Insurers fared reasonably well during California's recently concluded legislative session for 2006, although some potentially troubling bills are waiting on Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's desk, company
Sam Sorich, president of the Association of California Insurance Companies, said the group hasn't decided whether or not to pursue an appeal to obtain a stay, and wondered whether pursuing such an app
Speaking to reporters here at the National Press Club, Mr. Racicot unveiled a series of proposals the AIA believes are necessary to better protect homeowners from natural catastrophe risk and better a
The New York Department of Insurance is currently taking no special action to prod insurers who owe on claims for the destruction of the World Trade Center to expedite payments, a department spokesman
"Once again the courts have ruled that insurers must comply with the will of voters who decided in 1988 that how safely you drive is more important than where you live in the pricing of auto
The California governor's office said a new legislative measure expected to gain passage shortly should end a regulatory dispute that led to court action between the State Compensation Insurance Fund
The poll by Meriden, Conn.-based Response Insurance found 65 percent of drivers who own a BlackBerry device would support a ban on their use while driving, and more than 58 percent of non-BlackBerry o
"Once again the courts have ruled that insurers must comply with the will of voters who decided in 1988 that how safely you drive is more important than where you live in the pricing of auto insurance
While companies are signing agreements to limit contingent commissions, a study funded by the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America concludes that such payments ensure the survival of