The Travelers Companies, Inc. released a preliminary estimate of net losses relating to Superstorm Sandy of approximately $650 million after tax and after estimated recoveries from reinsurance.
The Travelers Companies, Inc. released a preliminary estimate of net losses relating to Superstorm Sandy of approximately $650 million after tax and after estimated recoveries from reinsurance.
Because more small- and medium-size companies are incorporating social media into their businesses, insurance professionals believe their clients risk exposure will grow in the coming year, according to a survey released by specialty-insurer Torus.
Chicago-based HUB International topped the month of November with four publicly announced acquisitions, followed by Marsh & McLennan Agency with two.
An overwhelming majority of auto insurance buyers who switch carriers make the change based on price, but not many are actively shopping around, according to a survey from
One lesson coming out of Superstorm Sandy is that after an event is not the ideal time for companies to try to understand the extent of insurance coverage, says an executive with insurance broker Aon.
The U.S. population is aging, but despite statistics that older drivers have higher claim rates, the overall number of collision claims is not expected to increase, says the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety.
A meeting with residents in Staten Island, N.Y., brought local and federal officials out to answer questions one month after Superstorm Sandy hit, but they instead got an earful from the storm's victims.