During his campaign, Gov. Rick Scott proclaimed himself (and indeed is conducting himself now) as the consummate CEO. In the weeks since taking office, he has tried to conduct the peoples business by edict. It is not going well.
The nation’s lingering economic woes are prompting many state legislatures to review — and try to rein in — workers’ compensation costs.
An analysis of the Texas workers’ compensation system in calendar year 2010 had positive news for employees, employers, and providers. Premiums were down, employer participation was up, and more physicians were available to treat injured workers.
By many accounts, Floridas insurance industry is the most over-regulated in the country. In 2011 we are in a unique and enviable position to change that.
The trending for Floridas E&S premiums written has been a fairly consistent drop off for the past several years. For a perspective on the current state of Floridas excess and surplus lines industry, Florida Underwriter spoke with three insurance executives from across the state.
Our annual salary and workplace survey reveals that although the economy and markets continue a slow path to recovery, insurance professionals remain resolutely upbeat. When asked to rate the employment outlook for the insurance industry, 50 percent of our respondents judged it positive, and 78 percent said they would recommend...