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Idaho traffic violators will be able to show electronic proof of insurance, via smartphone app or PDF copy, as of July 1.
Local underwriters are vital to the success of small commercial customer service representatives and account managers, according to a survey by The Hanover…
Small business owners are taking on too many tasks at once, according to a survey by eVoice.
Two New Jersey home renters sued their landlord to reclaim the security deposit they put down on a house they say is haunted.
American customers expect insurers to offer an array of communication methods.
Security officials see cybercrimes nearing the most dangerous of our nations concerns, with cyber-threats expected to soon surpass terrorism threats.
Wealthy American families fear that the economic slump makes them a prime target for high-stakes lawsuits but lack proper insurance.
Marijuana use is surpassing alcohol use among teen drivers, according to a recent study of 2,294 high school juniors and seniors.
Some hurricane-prone states are skimping when it comes to infrastructure safety.
Analyzing sentiment can be used to measure success and your agencys reputation, research and to compare your agency against a competitor.