The index works by combining actual wind speeds at multiple locations with proprietary industry exposure data. RMS said that this will allow for timely, objective, and reliable insured loss estimates
June is ripe for a pop-up thunderstorm, but it's another weather event that is often paired with these storms that gets claim adjusters out into the field in a hurry -- hail.
Tornado and hail activity combined last week to add up to Colorado's fourth most expensive insured disaster in history.Based on preliminary estimates obtained from the Rocky Mountain Insurance
Claims News Service, May 29, 9:17 a.m. - Tornado and hail activity combined last week to add up to Colorado's fourth most expensive insured disaster in history.Based on preliminary estimates obtained
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) recently published a report that analyzed the estimated damage that would occur in Southern California if an earthquake similar in size to the recent event
Xactware Solutions, Inc. and Loss Technology Services, Inc. have combined two of their most popular offerings in order to provide water-mitigation solutions for insurance repair and restoration