Elana Ashanti Jefferson is ALM PropertyCasualty360's Editor in Chief. She is a veteran journalist and communications professional. Reach her by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
Tim Attia, co-founder and CEO of the InsurTech startup Slice Labs, talks here about how his company wedged its way into an insurance coverage gap by marketing to people in the sharing economy.
Tim Attia, co-founder and CEO of the InsurTech startup Slice Labs, talks here about how his company wedged its way into an insurance coverage gap by marketing to people in the sharing economy.
The market for autonomous vehicle coverage is expected to expand quickly due to risks related to cybersecurity, software and hardware, as well as the need for additional public infrastructure coverage.
Insurance executives report that the real impact from the WannaCry virus will surface in business interruption expenses, which could cost approximately $8 billion worldwide.