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Elana Ashanti Jefferson is ALM PropertyCasualty360's Editor in Chief. She is a veteran journalist and communications professional. Reach her by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
Super Bowl Sunday will be the biggest party since New Year's Eve.
The insurer endeavored to guess the nature of emerging cybersecurity threats and offered cyber insurance insights.
RIMS has also named its 2019 board of directors.
Smart Harbor's Insurance Trends Study predicts the digital shifts facing insurance agents in 2019.
The company's sixth-annual 'Data Breach Industry Forecast' broaches such topics as cloud attacks and biometric hacking.
For all its altruistic intentions, Thanksgiving can be nerve-wracking for home cooks.
Thanks to telematics, the number of drivers in the U.K. age 17-19 who have been killed or seriously injured in auto accidents fell by 35% since 2011.
The National Weather Service issued more than 70 tornado warnings on Nov. 5th alone.
But thoughtful risk selection remains paramount.
More vehicles go missing in America on Halloween than on any other holiday.