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Elana Ashanti Jefferson is ALM PropertyCasualty360's Editor in Chief. She is a veteran journalist and communications professional. Reach her by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
Aclaimant CEO David Wald talks about how the right data decreases insurance costs and the talent it takes to generate those insights.
The Big "I" Agents Council for Technology recently updated its free cybersecurity guide for insurance agencies. It includes these insights.
Some — but not all — of the most picturesque places in the United States also are the most expensive places to insure motorcycles.
Forbes magazine recently evaluated car insurance-company mobile apps with consumer convenience in mind.
These rankings based on net premiums written in 2018 also reveal the top inland marine, product liability and surety insurers.
These rankings based on net premiums written also reveal the year's top fire insurance, D&O liability and commercial peril carriers.
Insurance tends to be a recession-proof career.
Insurance carriers recognize that today's customers and prospects are seeking out preferred brands largely via web and mobile.
Net premiums are based on the National Association of Insurance Commissioners' statutory P&C statement filings.
Insurance organizations that are struggling with how to address racial inequity might turn to the industry's professional groups for guidance.