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Denny Jacob is an associate editor for NU PropertyCasualty360. Contact him at [email protected].
An oil rig exploded on Louisiana's Lake Pontchartrain Oct. 15, raising specters of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in April 2010.
News from Chronovo Inc., American International Group, Inc., Distinguished Programs and more.
Removing eyes from the road for just two seconds doubles the risk of a crash. Some in-vehicle technology can distract drivers for more than 40 seconds.
John C. Roche has been appointed president and CEO, effective November 4, succeeding Joseph M. Zubretsky.
While we're ways from living like 'The Jetsons,' the cars of the world are changing before our eyes.
Willis Towers Watson reports on insurance price changes in Q2 for 2017, well before Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma.
Premium renewal rate up year-over-year across nearly all major commercial product lines, according to the latest IVANSIndex report.