While models and mathematical analysis are important in monitoring risk, there's nothing like digging beneath the surface to truly understand exposures, according to a new report on "The Financial Crisis and Lessons for Insurers."
Munich Reinsurance Company said today it will resume its share buy-back program from Oct. 1 extending until its annual meeting on April 28, 2010 at the latest.
LECG Corporation said it will merge with SMART Business Advisory & Consulting, LLC and receive a $25 million cash investment from SMART's majority shareholder, Great Hill Partners.
As more and more people discover the joys of life with a canine, there are bound to be problems, because of wide-ranging philosophies of dealing with dogs. This is Part I, "the incident." Read about it at www.NoRiskZone.com .
If there's any doubt about the presence and strength of the London market as an insurance and reinsurance center, just flip through the program book for the annual Reinsurance Rendez-vous de Septembre.
In the wake of the global financial crisis, insurance companies that do not employ enterprise risk management as their standard operating procedure are at a severe competitive disadvantage.
While many insurers have adopted the concept of a chief risk officer, a CRO's functions and authority are largely underdeveloped, according to a new study by Deloitte.