While a majority of large businesses have contingency plans for a pandemic or other catastrophe in place, many small to medium companies do not, which can result in their demise in the wake of a disaster, according to experts.
If there's a common thread among underwriters and insurance brokers serving the growing allied health industry, it is fierce competition triggered by a soft property and casualty market and excess capacity, experts contend.
Munich Re announced a consolidated profit in the third quarter of EUR651 million [$963 million], compared to EUR2 million [$2.96 million] for the same period last year.
The issue of large numbers of deer has impacted many communities, especially those containing large parks and forest land. To deal with the issue, some ...
The issue of large numbers of deer has impacted many communities, especially those containing large parks and forest land. To deal with the issue, some ...
The issue of large numbers of deer has impacted many communities. To deal with the issue, some communities are considering options such as sharp-shooting and bow hunting to thin herds. Read more at www.NoRiskZone.com .
Dealing with the risks from sea piracy, cyber crime and climate change, will require vision, pragmatism and the collaboration of the public and private sectors, Lloyd's chief executive said.
RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. management said higher investment income and less catastrophe losses improved third-quarter net income to $258.6 million, reversing last year's loss for the period of $231 million.
The movement toward stronger enterprise-wide risk management (ERM) practices following the 2008 financial crisis has continued gathering steam among insurers and reinsurers this year, according to a new study.