This time last year, I wrote about the much discussed and then rejected plan to merge two important alternative market groups--the Captive Insurance Companies Association and the National Risk
Andreas Zdrenyk, Converium's chief financial officer, said the restatement on reinsurance contracts "related primarily to the U.S. GAAP [Generally Accepted Accounting Principles] requirement that rein
HB 129, sponsored by State Rep. Dennis Baxley, R-Ocala, "seems so nonsensical--it seems like a horrible public policy," Joseph Annotti, senior vice president, Public Affairs, for the Property Casualty
A coalition launched to serve as a representative of risk retention groups has one advocate for the industry wondering if a proliferation of such organizations will dilute the sector's lobbying effect
If trade barriers such as collateral requirements are lifted, foreign reinsurers could provide more support in the event of another U.S. mega-disaster along the lines of Hurricane Katrina, Lloyd's