Allison Losses Top $1 Billion Allison, the killer tropical storm that deluged five states last week, caused more than $1 billion of insured losses in ...
Agency Resources: Easing Retailers Jobs A five-year-old wholesaler in Wayne, N.J. has worked to position itself in the workers' compensation small-accounts market. Now it's ...
Why Homeowners Policy Covered Columbine I have to disagree with the insurance industry executives who are wringing their hands over the settlement reached in the ...
U.S. Supreme Court Tosses Damages Cap For Harrassment Washington A statutory cap on compensatory damages for violations of the Civil Rights Act does not apply ...
Captive Owner, Know Thyself When choosing a captive domicile, risk manager Judith McDonald's recommendation to her colleagues is to "do your homework. Unfortunately, like everything ...
Uniformity In Market Conduct Oversight Pushed When regulators, insurers and consumer advocates meet this week to shape what market conduct oversight will look like in ...
Common Mistakes RMs Make When Forming A Captive Nick Leighton, manager of the captive department at Caledonian Bank in Grand Cayman, offers the following insights ...
RMs Have Choices For Data Control One of the main challenges facing risk managers today is the gathering of information, "whether it's claims data, data ...