Agent Licensing Group Expects MGA Model Vote In September New Orleans State regulatory officials meeting here are pleased with the progress made on reforming producer ...
Iowa Supreme Court Resurrects Allied Suits Controversy that once swirled around the management of Allied Mutual Insurance Company may seem like a distant memory that ...
New Risks Take Off, PRIMA Winner Says When Mary Stewart first began her career as a risk manager, attendees at a Public Risk Management Association ...
Single-Entry: The Past Is No Prologue Single-entry is not only an insurance industry problem; it is a business problem. No matter what industry you probe, ...
Mkt. Conduct Reforms Proposed New Orleans Looking to make market conduct exams more efficient, insurance and regulatory officials proposed a number of possible reforms at ...
Allison Losses Top $1 Billion Allison, the killer tropical storm that deluged five states last week, caused more than $1 billion of insured losses in ...
Agency Resources: Easing Retailers Jobs A five-year-old wholesaler in Wayne, N.J. has worked to position itself in the workers' compensation small-accounts market. Now it's ...
Why Homeowners Policy Covered Columbine I have to disagree with the insurance industry executives who are wringing their hands over the settlement reached in the ...
U.S. Supreme Court Tosses Damages Cap For Harrassment Washington A statutory cap on compensatory damages for violations of the Civil Rights Act does not apply ...