Mandate Boosts Hong Kong InsurersHong Kong Fresh business opportunities have opened up for both domestic and foreign insurers in Hong Kong after the local government ...
Patients' Rights Liability Costs DebatedAdvocates of the U.S. Senate version of a "Patients' Bill of Rights" charge that health insurer concerns about the potential cost ...
Treat People Like 'Customers,' RMs Told Because of the dubious reputation of local government when dealing with claimants, public employees and average citizens with a ...
Columbine Column ChallengedTo The Editor: Did the trial lawyers' association secretly write Michael McCrackens "FC&S On Lines" column, "Why Homeowners Policy Covered Columbine" (NU, June ...
The 'Moments Of Truth'Public risk managers need to understand that customer value differs from customer service, "which really means customer control," according to Del Powell, ...
Captives Proliferate In Pacific Rim In the world of international captive domiciles, all eyes are on Australia and Pacific Rim countries, which are seeing ...
N.J. Ruling Impact Limited The controversy over the termination of an agents contract by an auto insurer in New Jersey will not have broad national ...
Producer Group Creates Employee Benefits Assn. The Washington-based Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers has formed a group to represent the interests of its members' ...
N.J. Agent Termination Suit Blocked Agents do not have protection from insurer termination under a New Jersey statute regulating auto insurance and do not have ...
Agents Look To Go GlobalTo Avoid Losing BusinessAs the international opportunities for U.S. businesses grow and the trade boundaries among nations come down, independent insurance ...