Do Your Due Diligence Bankers should look for the following characteristics when evaluating potential independent agency acquisitions:Strength and continuity of management. Insurance is a personal ...
Agents, Banks Search For Successful Formula Given the inherent differences between the banking and insurance industry cultures, it is no wonder that many marriages ...
Insurers Reach ConsensusOn Terrorism ReinsuranceWashington The insurance industry has reached an agreement on the major provisions of a proposal to create a federal role in ...
Some Facts Agents Can Take To The Bank Why should independent agents embrace change and adopt banking products as part of their sales culture?First ...
Agents Ponder Appeal Of Bank RulingWashington Insurance agent groups are evaluating whether to file a legal challenge against a determination by the Office of the ...
Tight-Knit Broker Community Hard HitThe attack by terrorists on Sept. 11 in New York City and Washington changed peoples lives and altered the future of ...
Brokers Look To Offset Capacity ShortageTwo of the world's major brokers have announced plans to deal with new demands for coverage growing out of the ...