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Study: Home insurance premiums have skyrocketed 18% since 2019.
The biggest economic hit comes from a quiet, long-term increase in mortality, a researcher contends.
Fresh research from the American Customer Satisfaction Index reveals insurers are holding steady with customers despite a difficult operating environment.
Moody's: Estimates take into account wind, storm surge and precipitation-induced flooding.
Over $1 billion in jewelry "disappears" annually, which represents 70% of all stolen personal property.
This is part three of a five-part, weekly series for the Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation's Month of Giving.
Rising commercial auto rates are just one symptom of deeper issues in the transportation market.
Insurers and repairers should see themselves as part of a value chain ecosystem working toward a shared outcome.
To undercut vulnerability from interest-rate cuts, insurers need a blueprint for reducing costs and boosting revenue.
The way insurance pros handle customer interactions heavily impacts satisfaction and retention.