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Thirty-eight percent of the world’s millionaires live in the U.S.
This week's update includes insurance industry news from Risk Strategies, Hilb Group, Bishop Street Underwriters and more.
Carolyn Rosenberg of Reed Smith discusses how greenwashing claims have evolved and how businesses can protect themselves with the right insurance.
Thirty-eight percent of consumers who shopped for insurance in the past six months switched carriers.
Google Workspace customers experienced fewer cyber insurance claims than Microsoft 365 customers.
The Midwest is well represented among the country's most livable cities.
Seventy percent of insurers expect to deploy predictive AI models within two years.
The Census Bureau reports that real rent costs grew 3.8% in 2023.
The market will more than double in size, according to a new report.
Today's workforce is increasingly disconnected and disengaged. Here's how to foster an environment where people feel and perform their best.