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Venue owners and operators should maintain copies of additional insured endorsements and any applicable liability policies.
Medical devices, food and consumer products are driving the increase.
The waivers and endorsements included in a business auto-insurance policy are nearly as varied as businesses themselves.
Travelers: Thirty-five percent of workers get hurt during their first year on the job.
Insurance technology news from Nationwide, Allstate, ZestyAI, BrokerTech Ventures and more.
While no one can predict what may happen on a trip, travel protection helps travelers stay focused on what truly matters.
New York, New England and the rest of the Northeast have seen little rain for weeks.
The company failed to recall vehicles in a timely manner.
An organization’s Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) must guide cyber insurance procurement.
The latest insurance industry personnel news from Ascot, Price Forbes, Allianz Commercial and more.