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Digital insurance platforms continue to gain momentum, Dimension Market Research reports.
Making the move into commercial lines and cross-selling to existing clients is an easy way for insurance agencies to increase profitability.
Choking hazards, toxic plants and other issues can put kids and pets at risk.
Insurance technology news from Oak Reinsurance, EcoClaim, Neova Sigorta and more.
LinkedIn's Kory Kantenga breaks down key areas to watch.
The 18th Annual Northeast Benefit Event earlier this month in New York City drew more than 600 attendees.
Once temperatures are below freezing, water pipes can freeze up in just a matter of hours.
U.S. homeowners now pay 17.4% more for new insurance policies as factors like inflation, severe weather and reinsurance costs impact the market.
The latest insurance industry personnel news from Beazley, Ryan Specialty and more.
Rankings considered ticket prices as well as reliability, safety, comfort and overall service quality.