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The latest insurance industry personnel news from Hiscox, Volante Global and more.
The firestorm affecting swaths of southern California continues to be a story of evacuation and defense.
Early estimates expect the damage to top $50 billion.
Being aware of seasonal risks is imperative to their mitigation.
Market Research Future: Business interruption insurance market to reach $33.61 billion by 2032.
The state has experienced 82 weather events causing over $1 billion in damages since 1980.
With loss estimates projected to be well into the billions, this may be among the costliest ever U.S. catastrophes.
Aon: Risk of trip cancellation is a top motivator for buyers.
The outcome was deemed the result of "legal system abuse" by the defendant's insurer.
Senior C-level executives are at higher risk of a deepfake impersonation.