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The deadline for class members to file a claim is February 18.
Housing inventory in the U.S. is approaching pre-pandemic numbers.
Rain will help put out fires and prevent new ones, but seared hillsides are at risk of collapse.
RIMS plans to continue its call for the reauthorization of a long-term National Flood Insurance Program.
Plaintiff's counsel: "At a certain point, you've got to go all the way, or [insurers] are never going to learn."
Insurance technology news from Clearcover, Security Mutual Group, Cytora and more.
Vertafore: Roughly three out of four insurance pros surveyed said they would remain in the industry for several years.
Private fire teams can reduce costs for insurers, but they're not without controversy.
Pricing and availability challenges will likely only get worse.
This week, we feature philanthropic insurance news from Ariel Re and National Auto Body Council.