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This pullout from the Super Bowl is part of a trend of decreased advertising spend across the insurance industry.
Insurance professionals should first prioritize safety when advising clients after an electrical fire.
This week's update includes insurance industry news from Aventum, GAF, Miller and more.
Cyberattacks were up 44% last year.
The annual Allianz Risk Barometer for 2025 indicates renewed focus on the myriad of potential losses related to weather catastrophes.
USAA alleges the plaintiff exaggerated the injuries he received when his vehicle was rear-ended in 2018.
Southern California is facing another extreme-weather danger: Too much rain.
The Golden State's largest insurance carrier already received 8,700 related claims and paid out more than $1 billion.
"Digital natives" comprise the only consumer segment that increased travel spend in 2024, Berkshire Hathaway reports.
The global insurtech sector could reach $239.2 billion by 2033. Who's protecting all that tech?