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Homeowners' insurance generated $1.3 billion of underwriting income for the insurer in 2024 and covered $3.7 billion in losses.
Home Depot experienced a data breach affecting millions of customers, but courts say it's not covered under the company's CGL.
The insurance community needs to capitalize on this moment and prioritize public education around the changing flood-risk landscape.
Climate change could make hail damage worse.
Consumer Watchdog says the insurer wants to protect its Wall Street credit rating.
Humans and AI make a great team, says Shawn Ram with Coalition, Inc.
The Governor said Florida now has around 7.58 million active insurance policies, which is significantly more than last year.
Already in 2025, there have been 2,128 incidents of wildfire around the U.S. with 64,038 total acres burned.
Insurance technology news from Verisk, Duck Creek and Pinpoint Predictive.
State legislators passed a bill in 2020 requiring property owners in fire-prone areas to have ember-resistant zones.