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Here’s how these two home insurers and several others rank for overall customer satisfaction in 2024.
As of November 1, NOAA reports 24 confirmed climate-related disasters in 2024.
Insurers want to enhance efficiency and ensure optimal recovery processes amid performance pressures.
'We are deeply saddened and shocked at the passing of our dear friend and colleague,' UnitedHealth said in a statement.
The United States sees 150,000 or more toy-related deaths and injuries each year.
Breaking news: Brian Thompson ran one of the largest insurance providers in the U.S. He was shot and killed just ahead of an Annual Investor Conference.
One tip: Avoid inflammatory topics like politics, religion, and Tofurkey.
The average age of homebuyers reached an all-time high in 2024.
Around 5% of insured homeowners file a claim each year.
This week's update includes insurance industry news from Rockford Mutual Insurance Company, Bishop Street Underwriters.