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More than 8.5 million Windows devices worldwide were affected by the July 2024 CrowdStrike update error.
As much as 12 inches of rain is forecast to fall across a wide area from northern Florida to North Carolina this week.
The new law, which took effect July 1, signaled a sea change in the way truck accident cases are prosecuted in the state.
Renewal time is when many receive an increased premium price and immediately go shopping for new insurance.
This study took into account several factors including the number of fatal accidents in each state.
Insurance technology news from Applied Systems, Blink Parametric, BriteCore and more.
'They say you can only see a market bottom after it has long passed, and demand for office space is no different.'
In the past, tech investments depreciated in about 10 years. For today's AI solutions, it's more like a year or two.