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KCC flash estimate breaks down damage by wind, storm surge and inland flooding.
Having a full understanding of the different types of auto insurance available to them can help insureds avoid coverage gaps.
The costs of workers' compensation claims increase with age.
The petition alleges companies collected and sold the data of more than 1.5 million drivers to insurance companies without their consent.
Gallagher Re: Insurtech funding makes second quarter rally.
Insurance technology news from Arch Insurance, Dabbs Agency, Amwins and more.
Nurturing Excellence: Winners inhabit different corners of an industry ruled by product quality and safety.
Winners of the 2024 Workers' Comp Risk Management Award for Excellence all share an enviable workplace culture.
Insurtechs must spearhead honest discussions about the risks of delaying GenAI adoption.
How does the timing of multiple ACV payments affect the payment of withheld depreciation?