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As of June 2024, bankruptcies in the U.S. were up 16.2% year-over-year. Those consumers still need insurance.
The carrier seeks more than $600,000 in total recovery from the defendants.
This week we feature philanthropic insurance news from State Farm.
The latest insurance industry personnel news from Aegon, CRC Group, CAC Specialty and more.
It costs parents an average of $230 more a month when they add a new, 16-year-old driver to their auto policy.
Be an octopus.
A subtle, but firm approach is the way to go.
Nearly 40% of small business owners were hit with lawsuits by employees in 2023, according to a new survey.
Could it be that myriad choices are just too overwhelming and difficult for workers to navigate.
Guidewire recently announced the availability of hurricane-risk data and maps at the national, state and local levels.