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The challenges of building an insurance package around a business illustrate the value of specialized agents and brokers.
Catastrophe bond holders may be looking at returns of as much as 12%.
The Trusted Choice Relief Fund is supporting agents and brokers impacted by catastrophes, thanks to recent support from Progressive.
The agency used its periodic Business Trends and Outlook Survey to look at weather-related business losses.
This week, we feature philanthropic insurance news from IICF and the National Auto Body Council.
The latest insurance-industry personnel news from World Insurance, HDI Global Insurance Company, CRC Group and more.
In addition to this week's E. coli outbreak at McDonald's, contamination concerns caused the recent recall of millions of pounds of food.
Mitigation strategies are key to ensuring the safe, reliable deployment of clean energy.
Cyber liability insurance should be an easy sell, but some businesses are bigger targets than others.
Signs of stress: In addition to expected lawsuits, divorce and domestic abuse tend to increase after a catastrophe.