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December is an opportune time for insurance professionals to guide clients through travel insurance benefits and options.
The most frequent kind of social media fraud happens when people are making online purchases.
This week's update includes insurance industry news from Enact Holdings, Commercial Insurance Associates, Tokio Marine and more.
Global Market Insights: The equine insurance market peaked at over $550 million in 2023.
Deal-seeking shoppers are vulnerable to fraud.
These 10 individuals took "doing the wrong thing" to new levels this year.
Strong winds have fanned the blaze, which at one point tripled in size in just an hour.
After Hurricane Katrina, many insureds battled with their carriers over whether storm surge damage was covered.
The New York Police Department is on alert for extremists who may view the shooter as a martyr and example to follow.
CSAA President and CEO Mike Zukerman talks about these and other issues causing carriers to depart the Golden State.