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The lawsuit was filed on November 4 in Massachusetts Superior Court.
Westfield ranks highest — but you have to live in one of the 10 states it serves.
Use of AI and digital tools is becoming increasingly important.
Here's how prospects and insureds can mitigate digital risk and secure their online lives.
Twenty-six different billion-dollar loss events hit the United States so far in 2024, Aon reports.
A new study from CCC Intelligent Solutions based on a survey of 2,400 consumers has uncovered some surprising new findings on the key drivers of customer satisfaction and retention in the auto claims journey.
These C-Suite leaders are taking on more than ever before, and that includes making insurance decisions.
This week's update includes insurance industry news from McLarens, Vertafore, CRDN and more.
Homeowners and insurers alike are up against a tough market in the Golden State.
Just one-third of Americans say all of their valuables are adequately insured.