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Egress report: Phishing with QR codes has risen 1400% since 2021.
Consumers value luxury cars’ enhanced features.
Only 51% plan to increase staff, compared to 65% last year.
In this episode of Insurance Speak, KwH Analytics CEO Jason Kaminsky discusses his company's 2024 Solar Risk Assessment.
Dedicated capital for reinsurers totaled $766 billion in the first half of 2024.
This week's update includes insurance industry news from RIMS, ACORD Solutions Group, Starr Insurance and more.
Affordability challenges continue to weigh on prospective home buyers.
Most major renovations are completed without proper insurance in place, Nationwide reports.
Interest in parametric models is on the rise after another year of costly weather disasters.
The biggest reason that home fires spike around Turkey Day: Unattended cooking.