The Republicans last week adopted language in their platform calling for a "national disaster insurance policy," following an earlier vote by the Democratic Party to back a national catastrophe fund,
As with anything in life, certain individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic status, will only do what is inspected of them, not necessarily what is expected of them.
Low-mileage drivers, according to Exigen, now have a new way to reduce the amount they spend on their auto premiums, with a product that lowers the technology barriers impeding the introduction of "PA
Low-mileage drivers, according to Exigen, now have a new way to reduce the amount they spend on their auto premiums, with a product that lowers the technology barriers impeding the introduction of "PA
Online sites that tout insurance brokers' services are great sources of information for Web-savvy policyholders. They can also be goldmines for less welcome visitors: plaintiffs' lawyers looking for
Sales contests and recognition awards are the stuff of business legend. Everyone has heard about companies offering large incentives for producers to sell more--awards for producers that sell the most in a
WASHINGTON--Republican presumptive presidential candidate John McCain voiced opposition to a bill proposing a national risk pool for natural catastrophes, and a Florida Democratic congressman rebuked h
ORLANDO, FLA.--Workers' compensation insurers must be more proactive combating rising medical costs, a disability management executive said at the Workers' Compensation Educational Conference, run by t