Gov't Has Duty To Insure Terrorism RiskGovernments in a number of countries are considering playing a role in providing terrorism insurance. Programs are already in ...
ACORD: Shifting From Lightening Rod To Lighthouse In Standards CampaignAt the ACORD Standards meeting last month in Washington, D.C., we held a session presented by ...
Arthur C. Clarke published 2001: A Space Odyssey in 1968. Stanley Kubricks landmark film adaptation of that story was released the same year, the year ...
Paul CalvetWestern MutualInsurance CompanyBeing ahead of the automation game today just means youve got to work hard to stay ahead tomorrow.Western Mutual Insurance Company (WMIC) ...
Document Systems Roundup: Quick Return-On-Investment PitchedThe "number one competitor" for document management system vendors is the idea: "Let's hire 25 more people to handle the ...
Lets say your business strategy demands that you implement a new policy administration system. The current system wont fill the bill because it wasnt designed ...
Once upon a time, just about everyone who worked for a company stayed within the walls of its corporate headquarters. Salesmen or agents were pounding ...