Workers Compensation and Employers Liability

Employee Lawsuit Covered by CGL Form or WC Policy? Q An employee of our insured was injured on the job and received workers compensation benefits.…

Anthrax Testing and Insurance Coverage Q Our client received a sealed container from abroad and when it was opened a huge puff of white powder blew…

July 16, 2008

Workers Compensation Coveragefor Foreign Travel? Q We have received conflicting opinions from various sources on whether or not workers compensation…

July 16, 2008

Workers Compensation and the "Going and Coming" Rule

June 25, 2008

Last Injurious Exposure Rule Q One of the coverages that I provide for my clients is workers compensation. I have become aware of something called…

June 25, 2008

Odd Lot Doctrine Q An employee of one of our clients injured his back at work and applied for workers compensation benefits; the employee was awarded…

June 25, 2008

Jones Act Coverage forRiverboat Casino Employees Q Our question deals with gambling casinos that are on water and injuries that occur to those who…

June 25, 2008

Jones Act Coverage Neededby Company Owner? Q I insure a boat manufacturer. The owner of the company occasionally—perhaps two or three times…

June 25, 2008

Residual Market WorkersCompensation Coverage Question Q A question has come up in our office regarding the residual market limited other states insurance…

June 25, 2008

Personal Comfort Doctrine Explained Q We know that workers compensation coverage is to apply when an employee is injured in the course of employment.…