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Notice: Information provided by the Ask the Experts service is general in nature and intended for educational and informational purposes. The service does not provide legal advice.

Water Damage and Boarded-Up Windows Q Our insured's building is covered by an ISO commercial property policy, CP 00 10 04 02, with the special causes…

Governmental Authority Exclusion—Property Damaged by Police Chasing Fugitive Q The insured is a health clinic covered under the commercial property…

Improvements and Betterments—Coverage Dependent on Term of Lease? Q Our insured had lightning damage occur to a central air conditioning unit…

Cross Liability, Additional Insureds,and the Separation of Insureds Q We have a question about cross liability, additional insureds, and the separation…

Contractual Liability Coverage and the Meaning of "Execution" Q We have a question dealing with the contractual liability coverage offered under a…

Crop Spraying Claim and General Liability Coverage Q Our insured is a crop sprayer. He inadvertently mixed a fertilizer product with a weed killer.…

Broadcasting Activities — Personal and Advertising Injury Q We have a question concerning the ISO commercial general liability policy's coverage…

Installation Floater—Subcontractor's Vandalism Loss Q Our question concerns a dispute as to whether wiring installed by our insured, an…

Fire Legal Liability under the CGL Form Our insured employs medical personnel on a temporary traveling basis; that is, if a nurse or other medical professional…

Overhead Transmission Lines Definition Q Our insured has purchased coverage for off-premises power failure, which includes coverage for losses caused…