Personal Umbrella

August 11, 2015
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DL 98 91 02 15 Personal Umbrella Liability Policy, February 2015 edition

Cancellation of Package versus Standalone Policy  December 15, 2014  I have a client who has a package auto, home, and umbrella policy. The client…

March 02, 2012

Personal Umbrella Liability Insurance March 1, 2012 Coverage Checklist Personal umbrella liability policies share a common goal of providing higher…

Property Placed in a Trust March 28, 2011 I have several clients whose property has been placed in a living trust. They own nothing. Their trust…

December 14, 2009

Personal Umbrella Liability InsuranceCoverage Comparison Chart December 14, 2009 A number of personal umbrella coverage forms are compared in the chart…

Leased Hunting Land—How to Insure? Our question concerns a group of people who individually lease acreage for hunting purposes on a seasonal…

Business Pursuits—Charitable and Social Boards A question has come up as to whether liability arising from an individual's service without pay as…

October 21, 2009

Cincinnati Financial Corporation-Archived Article September, 1998 Personal Umbrella Liability Endorsement The notes that follow point out what the…

October 21, 2009

Fireman’s FundInsurance Company-Archived Article September, 1998 Personal Catastrophe Cover Excess Liability Policy The notes that follow point…

October 21, 2009

Metropolitan Property and CasualtyInsurance Company-Archived Article September, 1998 Personal Excess Liability Policy The notes that follow point…