August 05, 2024

An insured tried to insure the vehicle after it had already been stolen.

August 05, 2024

An analysis of the perils found in the DP 00 01, DP 00 02, and DP 00 03 forms.

July 31, 2024

A summary of the ISO Circular for July 31, 2024. Circulars provide a wide variety of information from form changes to rules, loss costs, experience reviews and other information.

July 30, 2024

Major changes are being implemented.

July 29, 2024

A summary of the ISO Circular for July 29, 2024. Circulars provide a wide variety of information from form changes to rules, loss costs, experience reviews and other information.

July 29, 2024

A state-by-state chart of statutes concerning matching in property losses.

July 29, 2024

An insured makes multiple claims for the same damage.

July 29, 2024

An insured asks for Fair Rental Value and not Additional Living Expenses coverage after suffering a loss.

July 29, 2024

A man sought coverage for removing methamphetamine residue from his rental property after his tenant smoked methamphetamine indoors.

July 29, 2024

This article, the first of three parts, reviews the ISO Dwelling 2014 program. The sections that cover Dwelling, Other Structures, Personal Property, Time Element, and Other Coverages are reviewed as well as a brief discussion of the use of the forms for condominiums.