The ISO HO 24 73 02 17 Farmers Personal Liability Form can be used with homeowners forms when the insured has a farm away from the residence premises and farming is not the insured's primary occupation.
When the crops aren't as expansive as reported, a farmer gets in trouble.
A pair of farmers made a claim for crops they actually never planted.
Fraud involving an animal mortality policy and a claim for horses that weren't actually dead.
Describes what constructive total loss is, supported by case findings in marine, homeowners, property and automobile physical damage.
Will endorsement provisions regarding scheduled property override the flood exclusion on the policy?
When an adjuster and agent encourages insureds to grow claims, not crops.
Does a loss to livestock trigger coverage under the Disruption of Farm Operations form?
Discusses the term actual cash value, fair market value, and the broad evidence rule as determined by states and various court cases.
Fraud concerning documentation of the loss.