This document is Part 1 of 4 of a series of articles providing an analysis of the Skywatch.AI unmanned aircraft systems policy, which provides coverage for drones meeting federal regulations in the United States.
This discussion goes into the three major interpretations states use in applying the "arising out of" requirement in workers compensation—the increased risk, the positional risk, or the actual risk doctrine.
This article explores the insurance coverages associated with damages caused to homeowners and businesses as a result of train derailments.
This question deals with a claims situation where a hotel's chef was injured at his employer's culinary awards celebration, and the claim's applicability to workers compensation coverage.
Discusses employment practices liability exposures associated with vaccination and testing requirements, and their roll-backs.
As sightings become more frequent and are given some credence in the news, people may begin to search out coverage options for possible injury or damage from the extraterrestrial.
Here we discuss early estimations of loss and damage from Ever Given's blockage of the Suez Canal and layered limits structure.
This discussion focuses on the formation of captive insurance companies, the types of captives and general information pertaining to captives.
Discusses whether a worker from a temporary staffing company is a leased worker or a temporary worker when working for a manufacturer in a position described as temporary to permanent.
This discussion provides an explanation of parametric insurance and how it might be used in the industry.