Lit Watch

Business Pursuits Exclusion  November 30, 2015  In this declaratory judgment action, the insurer appeals from a judgment from the trial court that,…

October 06, 2015

If a policy is voided for misrepresentation on the application, is coverage still available to an innocent third-party claimant?

June 29, 2015

The plaintiff in the underlying suit filed a declaratory action that an insurer was obligated to defend and indemnify the insured ski resort.

January 27, 2015

Replacement of Damaged Property  January 26, 2015  A dispute arose between the insurer and the insured as to whether the policy language providing…

May 05, 2014

What are an insurer's rights and obligations pursuant to a general liability insurance policy?

February 13, 2014

The commercial general liability insurer brought an action against the automobile insurer.

November 13, 2013

An insurer denied an asbestos-related claim. Four years later, the insured asked for a reevaluation based on alleged vandalism.

November 12, 2013
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Additional Insured Endorsements: ISO's Revisions—Archived Article May, 2004 Adopting a Fault-based Additional Insured Standard Summary:…

February 27, 2013

Primary Versus Excess Coverage February 25, 2013 This is a dispute between insurance companies over coverage related to a car accident. The case…

February 08, 2013

Is there coverage for mold and contamination in a commercial building's HVAC system?