Reference Materials

June 12, 2015

This checklist highlights when the timing of the loss or filing of the claim could indicate fraudulent activity.

June 12, 2015

Case Study – Inflated ClaimU.S. v. Alphas, --- F.3d ----, 2015 WL 2124771 (C.A.1 (Mass.) 5/7/15)  June 15, 2015 Primary policy:…

June 12, 2015

Wyoming Definition of Insurance FraudW.S.1977 § 26-13-201 June 15, 2015 (a) No person shall knowingly or willfully: (i) Make any…

June 12, 2015

This checklist can be used when professionals such as doctors, attorneys, or other professionals may be engaged in fraudulent activity.

June 12, 2015

This checklist reviews behaviors or situations that may indicate fraud is present in the claim.

June 12, 2015

New Mexico Definition of Insurance FraudN. M. S. A. 1978, § 59A-16C-3 June 15, 2015 B. “insurance fraud” means any act or practice…

June 12, 2015

Case Study – Application FraudCrown Capital Securities, L.P. v. Endurance American Specialty Insurance Company, --- Cal.Rptr.3d ---, 2015 WL 1607164…

June 12, 2015

Case Study – Owner Give-up of VehiclePeople v. Berrios, No. Go5o451, 2015 WL 357930. (Cal. Ct. App. Jan. 28, 2015). June 15, 2015 Primary…

June 12, 2015

Master Red Flag Checklist   June 15, 2015   While a checklist for a particular type of fraud or claim filer may be useful in some claims,…

June 12, 2015

What Are the Limitations of Fraud Analytics? June 15, 2015 Summary: Insurance people are slow to change. For years claims adjusters…