March 13, 2023

Just because rates are cheaper doesn't mean you can pretend to live there.

March 06, 2023

By having a dangerous fire set, an insured gets convicted and faces a long sentence.

March 06, 2023

The definition of insurance fraud and penalties as listed in Maryland statutes.

February 27, 2023

In an effort to earn some cash, a man files multiple claims for the same damages to the vehicle.

February 20, 2023

A case of insurable interest in the vehicle being insured.

February 13, 2023

A pair of farmers made a claim for crops they actually never planted.

February 06, 2023

An agent is caught taking premiums from insureds.

January 30, 2023

In this Fraud of the Week, the dash cam proves critical in catching the fraudster.

January 23, 2023

A driver strikes a pedestrian then leaves, and then claims thieves stole the car.

January 16, 2023

An Irish vet takes a gamble and loses.