Specialized Homeowners Coverage Discussions

November 16, 2016
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Workers Compensation for Domestic Employees March 14, 2016 The subject of domestic employees and whether or not workers compensation is required…

This is the archive chart from 2016 on matching statutes.

January 20, 2016

The ensuing loss exception to certain perils.

Homeowners and Premises Liability August 4, 2015 Standard of Care Owed Summary: "A man's home is his castle" goes the saying.…

Discusses status of carpeting, drapes and light fixtures as part of dwelling or personal property.

May 19, 2015

This article discusses the exclusion for water backup of sewers and drains and relevant court cases, as well as endorsements providing coverage.

October 13, 2014

Questions if lava flow is excluded based on the landslide/earth movement exclusion of the HO 00 03 and DP 00 03 policies.

September 26, 2013

This article explains the coverages provided in the HO 00 08 policy.

September 26, 2013

An overview of the HO 00 06 Unit Owners form.

Homeowners Insurance SurveyCoverage ChecklistNovember 14, 2012The biggest single investment most families ever make is the purchase of their…