When a roof is damaged by wind, hail or some other covered loss, it's not unusual for worn decking to be discovered when the roof is removed for repairs. That worn decking also needs to be repaired. The question then becomes does the wear and tear exclusion apply, or should the repair to the decking be considered part of the roof claim? This article reviews the issue and how it should be handled.
When a roof is damaged and during repair it is discovered that the decking is worn, should the decking be covered as part of the loss?
The location of the insured's vehicle gave clues to who set the fire.
When an insurer rejects an insured's proof of loss, what happens next?
ALE benefits are set to expire on the 2-year anniversary of the fire.
In this guest column by board member Bill Wilson, Bill provides an overview of hard markets, looking at hard markets of the past and the current situation.
When the claim for stolen property doesn't ring true.
The withdrawing insurers carry nearly 44,000 California homeowners policies in the aggregate.
When the power didn't actually go out and damage electronics and food.
This article that appears in the November Claims Magazine explains the principle of subrogation