This article on the Key Bridge collapse discusses what happened, who is involved from an insurance and liability perspective, and what we know about the exposures and their coverage implications.
Category 25 fidelity endorsements of the ISO Crime and Fidelity program.
Category 25 fidelity endorsements of the ISO Crime and Fidelity program.
This discusses the many ways the insurance department regulates and monitors the insurance industry.
Category 25 fidelity endorsements of the ISO Crime and Fidelity program.
This week's discussion looks at cyber crime and the Dragos report which shows an almost 50% increase in ransomware incidents from 2022 affecting the industrial sector.
Category 25 fidelity endorsements of the ISO Crime and Fidelity program.
Oregon did something similar following the Gray and Oregon Road fires.
Category 25 fidelity endorsements of the ISO Crime and Fidelity program.
Endorsement to the Personal Auto Policy providing coverage for nonowned auto exposures.