Directors and Officers Liability (D&O)

May 17, 2022

A current overview of the D&O market.

May 17, 2022

The background and history of the D&O market.

December 06, 2021

The employees of Armstrong Coal Company [allegedly] falsified coal dust samples for the purpose of showing the company to be in violation of safety standards and potentially halt production. However, the policy excluded coverage for pollution and their legal costs weren't covered.

November 08, 2021

Following the shooting in the film production of "Rust", we examine what insurance coverage exists for film productions and how it applies.

October 21, 2021

The good news is that companies incurring legal fees defending against government investigations or negotiating settlements with regulators to resolve FCA claims may be able to look to D&O coverage to mitigate those losses.

September 06, 2021

The collapse of the Champlain Towers in June brought up many concerns for D&O exposures for HOA members.

August 13, 2021

Insurers and underwriters should be wary of general severability clauses that could potentially strip any meaning from an exclusion that would otherwise serve to exclude coverage for all insureds.

May 16, 2021

At issue here was whether the D&O policy required the insurer to indemnify and defend a company and its chief executive officer against claims brought by investors.

January 13, 2021

This overview provides a review of the history of the development of D&O coverage as well as current emerging risks and expectations for the year 2021.

January 11, 2021

This case study by Gary Griffin shows what can go wrong with a claims-made policy and an event that isn't totally clear.