Directors and Officers Liability (D&O)

June 26, 2008

Bribes, Political Payments, and Gratuities—Archived Article October 2004 Bribery practices, which were common in the 1970s among and between domestic…

June 26, 2008

Bodily Injury/Personal Injury/Property Damage/Advertising Injury (BI/PD/PD/AI)—Archived Article October 2004 All D&O policies contain exclusions…

June 26, 2008

Insured Versus Insured—Archived Article October 2004 Insured-versus-insured exclusions, sometimes called cross-claim exclusions, are routinely…

June 26, 2008

Pollution—Archived Article October 2004 Pollution-liability claims are frequently brought against corporations and, in many instances, against…

June 26, 2008

Claims-Made Coverage Features—Archived Article November 2005 All D&O policies reviewed for The D&O Book provide claims-made coverage.…

June 26, 2008

Exclusions—Archived Article October 2004 Exclusions are policy provisions that eliminate or restrict coverage for specific claims or losses. Their…

June 26, 2008

Recent D&O Judgments and Settlements—Archived Article May 2005 This material is provided by and reproduced with permission of Dan A. Bailey.…

June 26, 2008

Prior and Pending Litigation—Archived Article October 2004 Most D&O policies contain, either within the basic policy form or added by endorsement,…

June 26, 2008

Dishonest, Fraudulent and Criminal Acts—Archived Article October 2004 The dishonesty exclusion precludes coverage for dishonest, fraudulent and…

June 26, 2008

Insured—Archived Article October 2004 Insured Individuals Persons insured under a D&O policy usually is defined to include all individuals…