Where there's smoke, is there coverage?
When a restaurant suffers a fire, are the tips paid to the staff while the company is closed considered to be additional expense?
When a loss occurs to multiple locations for the same occurrence, does coverage applied per occurrence or per location?
Discusses dependent property contingencies and available coverages, as well as application of the additional coverage for civil authority.
This form can be attached to the Building and Personal Property Cvoerage Form, Condominium Association Coverage Form, Condominium Commercial Unit-owners Coverage form, Builders' Risk Coverage Form, Standard Property Policy and Tobacco Sales Warehouse Coverage Form.
This form can be added to the Builders Risk, Building and Personal Property, Condominium Association, Condominium Commercial Unit-owners forms and Standard Property Policy.
This document provides a detailed analysis of the Extra Expense Coverage Form, as contrased with Business Income Coverage.
When and insured uses a generator after a power outage, is that a business income expense?
This article reviews some of the common coverage issues found after a strong storm passes through an area.
CP 03 20 04 18 Multiple Deductible Form. It can be applied to the builders risk, building and personal property form, condo association form, condo commercial unit-owners form, standard property policy and tobacco sales warehouses coverage form.