June 24, 2024

A summary of the ISO Circular for June 24, 2024. Circulars provide a wide variety of information from form changes to rules, loss costs, experience reviews and other information.

June 24, 2024

When a stand alone outdoor sign is hit by a vehicle, how does coverage apply?

June 24, 2024

These endorsements add various insuring agreements to the commercial crime policy and coverage form and/or the government crime policy and coverage form.

June 17, 2024

The ISO chart showing Leasehold Interest Factors for 5%.

June 17, 2024

FC&S is delighted to annouce that it is celebrating it's 95th year of providing policy analysis and interpretation.

June 17, 2024

A church and its governing evangelical association were each found vicariously liable for injuries caused by a church employee who was acting in the scope of his employment.

Discusses dependent property contingencies and available coverages, as well as application of the additional coverage for civil authority.

June 17, 2024

In honor of the 95th anniversary of FC&S, we present a letter from the editor celebrating it's 20th anniverary in June of 1949.

June 13, 2024

A summary of the ISO Circular for June 13, 2024. Circulars provide a wide variety of information from form changes to rules, loss costs, experience reviews and other information.